Bernie On The Blues: Coming Soon, The End Of An Era.

Bernie On The Blues: Coming Soon, The End Of An Era.

The Blues are on break until returning to game action on Feb. 11. They’re having a good rest, which kind of describes the intensity of their effort in recent weeks. The Note is 23-25-3 for a points percentage (.480) that ranks 25th among the 32 NHL teams. They swerved...
Bernie On The Blues: Three Straight Losses. Same As It Ever Was.

Bernie On The Blues: Three Straight Losses. Same As It Ever Was.

Blues coach Craig Berube is on point when he snarls out words like soft, dumb and fragile in describing his docile team’s state of mind and state of play.  It’s actually funny, to be honest. When the scowling Chief goes in front of the Zoom camera after the Blues...
BERNIE: The Blues Have Stones In Their Passway.

BERNIE: The Blues Have Stones In Their Passway.

Five Minutes For Scribing:  The Blues stayed down, and were kept down, by the Los Angeles Kings in two consecutive losses at Enterprise Center.  After a 7-2-1 record in their first 10 games of the season, the Blues came out of the next 10 games with a 3-6-1 record....