Last year around this time, I wrote a column about former Cardinals general manager Walt Jocketty, making the case for why he obviously belongs in the team’s esteemed Hall of Fame. Jocketty’s invitation is long overdue. You can read that by clicking here. That...
THE REDBIRD REVIEW This made the rounds on social media, and there were many tweets and retweets. The words caused quite a stir among the locals. But in case you didn’t hear or see it, here’s the deal … Two terrific San Diego team broadcasters were stunned by the...
Six days to go … On Thursday, March 28 the Cardinals will open the season with a four-game series at Dodger Stadium. But given the caterwauling by a percentage of media and fans that have anxiety disorders over a tough early schedule, I’m not sure why the Cardinals...
THE REDBIRD REVIEW I’m in the mood to do something different. The Cardinals’ 2023 season was demoralizing, but I don’t know how many times I can rehash the pitiful experience of it all. For now, I want to focus on something more positive. Something happier. Something...
A few weeks ago on my KFNS radio show, during the dormant part of the Cardinals offseason, chairman Bill DeWitt Jr. reminded us that he likes having star players, wants to have star players, and believes that star players make his teams better. Little did we know...